This weekend's Gospel reading is a familiar one, yet important. Christ asked the apostles who people were saying He was. The apostles said that some thought Christ was resurrected prophet, Elijah back from the dead, or even John the Baptist. Which is weird, because they knew both of these men, and they were alive at the same time.
Peter then reveals who he believes Jesus is: the Son of God. While this is the true answer, is it true for you? Do you really believe Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, and Savior of the world? If you say you do, does your life reflect that proclamation?
Christ wants you to follow Him now - deny yourself, pick up your cross and go. Not after you get out of highschool, after you graduate from college, or when you settle down in a career. He wants you now! The way isn't going to be easy, but the rewards are out of this world.
We're called to action in whatever area of life we are in now. Maybe your a highschool student who can be an example of Catholic life in among your peers. Or your a college student who can live their faith on campus. Perhaps your married and can be Christ's light to your spouse and/or children. God can use you if you just give yourself up to His will.
Live your life out loud, and don't be afraid to follow God...NOW.
God bless,
Chloe M.