Tomorrow, we have our diocesan deacon ordination. We know three of the young men who are dedicating their whole lives to Christ in this step to becoming a priest.
I always love going to ordinations, weddings, and final vows for religious. You look at those participating in the sacrament and ceremony and you just sense this light of joy that radiates from them. It's the feeling of content in knowing that they are following God's will for their lives.
When I go to youth conferences, I'm always drawn by those going to these conferences to get to know God better. You see it on their faces in Eucharistic adoration. You see it when they are witnessing to others in the halls and when they are fully engaged in the speakers. It's a light and a peace that they give off that shows they are in tune with God's will.
I want that light. I want it so badly. And even though I'm incredibly happy for those getting ordained/final vows/married, I'm also jealous. I sit there and wonder what God's plan for me is. What pathway do I need to take to allow me to be open for God's light to shine through me so that I can experience what they have - that absolute joy?
It's completely possible to discover. A lot of prayer, Scriptures, Masses, Sacraments and alone time with God can bring it about. It also takes being open to His will, which is something I struggle with. I've talked about how God can't give us all the gifts He wants when we have our hands closed, clutching desperately onto our own plans for our "perfect life." It's a struggle to let go of what you think will make you happy and readily accept plans that you don't even fully understand or know about. Yet it pay off amazingly.
I just pray that I can let go of my plans and let God take over with His amazing story for my life. We are all put on this earth for a reason - none of us are mistakes. God has a plan for everyone, and even though we don't understand, it's going to be one incredible journey.
Congratulations to tomorrow's deacons!
God bless,
Chloe M.
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