It is very easy for me to get excited about something and then give up after it gets hard. For instance, I would love to say that it is easy for me to read my Bible. It isn't, though. It takes a lot of effort on my part to stop what I'm doing, sit down, and spend some quality "you and me" time with God. There are dry spots when I feel like just giving up, but I try to keep going because I know that it is in those times that I'm drawing even closer to God.
Giving up is easy to do, though. Sometimes it's not just giving up on Bible time or morning Mass, though. Sometimes it's giving up on Church, or on the Catholic faith all together. Although this seems like a huge jump, it's not - the whole process is a slippery slope that is so easy to slide all the way down on. This is manifested in these facts:
October 2008, The Cardinal Newman Society published a comprehensive study of practices and beliefs of current and recent students at Catholic colleges and universities. The study, conducted by the reputable Washington, D.C., polling firm QEV Analytics, found that:
-Nearly 1 in 5 respondents knew another student who had or paid for an abortion.
-46% of current and recent students—and 50% of females—said they engaged in sex outside of marriage.
-84% said they had friends who engaged in premarital sex.
-60% agreed strongly or somewhat that abortion should be legal.
-60% agreed strongly or somewhat that premarital sex is not a sin.
-78% disagreed strongly or somewhat that using a condom to prevent pregnancy was a serious sin.
-57% agreed strongly or somewhat that same-sex “marriage” should be legal.
-57% said the experience of attending a Catholic college or university had no effect on their participation in Mass and the sacrament of reconciliation.
-54% of respondents said that their experience of attending a Catholic college or university had no effect on their support for the teachings of the Catholic Church.
-56% said their experience had no effect on their respect for the Pope and bishops.
See? It's pretty easy to give up on a faith that you have had for eighteen years. It's time to fall in love with our faith. It's time to make our faith our own - to make a commitment to stick with it through thick and thin. If Mother Teresa could have dry spells in her faith life, you probably will to.
The true test comes by what you do when you don't think you can hold on any longer. When you don't want to get up and go to Mass, or go to confession, or pray any more.
Saint Catherine of Sienna said, in a conversation with Christ: ""Where were thou, my divine Spouse, while I lay in such an abandoned, frightful condition?" She heard a voice saying, "Daughter, I was in thy heart, fortifying thee by grace." Christ is right there beside you - all you have to do is turn back and run to Him.
God bless,
Chloe M.
Hi, Chloe,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for putting up this post. It was really helpful for me, as I have been feeling rather depressed and hopeless lately. A close family friend and my grandmother died in succession several months ago, and I'm finding it difficult to come to terms with the loss sometimes. Also, my extended family is quite difficult to deal with, and their lack of communication and kindness hurts me.
You are quite right that is easy enough to just "give up" on the faith. It's frighteningly easy. Sometimes one just doesn't feel as if God is listening or caring, and sometimes even questions if he exists at all. But I find that when faith is short supply, one must fall back on hope, and when hope is in short supply, one must fall back on love that resides in the heart and has been placed their by God to carry us through dark nights of the soul.
Thanks again for the lovely post!
God Bless,
P.S. Please pray for a friend of mine named Ellen -- her grandfather is dying from pneumonia in the hospital and her family is under extreme stress.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the loss of your friend and grandmother, as well as the stress that it has put on your family. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers.
I have found this song very reassuring during those dark times, its "Blessings" by Laura Story:
I can't even imagine what you are going through, but Christ can. He too lost friends and those he loved turned on Him. We have an amazing God who knows exactly what you are going through because He went through it as well. Fall back on love of Him and His amazing love for you.
You are in my prayers, and let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Please let Ellen know that she and her family are in my prayers, too.
God bless,
Chloe M.
Thank you so much, Chloe. I really appreicate the prayers, and I will let Ellen know that you are praying for her as well. She just emailed and told me that her grandfather did pass away. He received the Annointing of the Sick, so that blessing gives her some comfort.
ReplyDeleteThank you also for the youtube link. I am unable to access it on my home computer due to the wonder of dial-up internet ;-), but I will try to listen to the song the next time I get to a library computer. Speaking of inspiring songs with a religious twist, have you ever listened to "Dark Night of the Soul", a song based on St. John of Cross's poem composed by Loreena McKennitt? It is one of my favorites!
God Bless,
P.S. Have you ever read/watched/developed a liking for Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"? My friends convinced me to watch the films last summer, and I must admit the stories are growing on me.