"I plead with you - never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never be discouraged. Be not afraid." - Saint Pope John Paul II
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Guys - this weekend has been so amazing. I was able to attend a TEC retreat and left the weekend with an amazing group of friends and a second family. I can't tell you all the details since every TEC is supposed to be participated in and not anticipated about, but I can tell you that it is SO worth it. It was such a beautiful way to prepare for college - which starts in exactly six days. I am a mixture of excitement and sheer terror, which makes for pretty sporadic blog posts. Sorry about that guys! Isn't it amazing how God brings you exactly what you need when you need it? There are no coincidences since everything is perfectly placed in His plan for you. You are given the gifts, talents and characteristics that you possess for a reason. Everyday, God brings people into your life who are going to help you get close to Him. He loves you SO much and has an incredibly deep desire to spend the rest of eternity with you. You are the face He saw as He was dying on the cross, and yours were the sins He carried up to Calvary. He's waiting with open arms, ready to run out and rescue you from your sin. You only have to say the word. What an amazing love our God has for us. Christ loves you - now go tell others! On another note - we have our winners for the giveaway! Kimberly, you've won the "To Save A Life" DVD. Hannah - you've won the "King and Country" CD. I sent an e-mail to the contact information that you provided, so check out your inbox. Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday night guys!
God bless each and every one of you, Chloe M.
Friday, August 2, 2013
-1- This morning at Mass, Father gave an excellent homily on how we don't really know God....a.k.a., watch for it in a future post.
-2- I have to fill out a questionnaire for one of the organizations I'm getting involved with on campus. You answer ten questions and they match you with a upperclassman mentor. Some of the questions are ridiculous. "What is your favorite place on earth?" The moon. Seriously, I put that down
-3- In case you missed it, my blog anniversary giveaway is under way! Here is the link to it, click if you want to win some goodies!
-4- Getting super excited for the first day of classes...countdown: seventeen days. I go to pick up the last two books I need in a week. Twice this week I've stopped to sit down and realized life is going by way to fast. How did I go from twelve years old and wishing I could just grow up to eighteen years old and wishing I could be twelve again?
-5- In Steubenville, the acronym "ACTS" was given to help us in daily prayer. You basically go through adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplication. It's been really helpful in my prayer life....it's nice to have structure versus me sitting down, getting bored and spending my prayer time asking God for stuff I "need"
-6- I've been making pillowcase dresses for Miss Sofie. I bought enough material and supplies to make one dress and it cost me $12.00. The next day, the items to make the dress went on sale, so I bought enough to make three more dresses. I don't know what is harder...deciding on what colors to make the dresses in or finding the time to make them! I'll post some pictures when I get done with all four of them. It may be in December.
-7- This blog post about NFP and getting married is amazing. Keep Jackie and Bobbie in your prayers... their wedding day is eight days away!