Thursday, December 13, 2012

Belong to God

    Today is the feast of Saint Lucy, the Virgin Martyr.  In today' culture the status of being a virgin is made out to be as rare as being a martyr.

     We live in a culture that sells and objectifies women until it seems as if we are a dime a dozen.  Take for instance, the new clothing line, shockling named "OMG."  It claims to be a delightful mix of faith and fun, but in actulity their campaign is riddled with teen girls portraying what they believe to be sexy Christians. 

     This occured when we forgot that we belong to Christ.  We don't belong to a boyfriend.  We don't belong to the task of working to look like a supermodel.  We belong to the King of Kings, the God of the universe! 

     We are given the amazing examples of saints such as St. Lucy, St. Maria Gorretti, and Saint Joan of Arc.  We are given a Heavenly mother: Mary ever virgin.  When did becoming a woman of God become shameful?

     This advent, let's strive to truly be women of God.  Project:  If you are blessed to have a true woman of God in your life, thank them for their example.

God bless you all!

Chloe M. 


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