Believe me, I know what you're thinking. Because I thought it for so long as well.
That sounds great, but there aren't any good guys out there anymore. They just don't exist. If they're out there, they aren't in my life and they probably never will be.
Well, I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. They do exist, and not just in fiction or Hallmark Movie Christmas specials. Instead, they could be on your campus, in your church, in your family or on your way to work.

I don't love chivalry because I'm weak, or lack self-esteem, or simply don't have the desire to open doors - but because I'm honoring the God-given position that has been given to the men in my life {whether that be my dad, boyfriend, or brothers in their own way} to lead me to Heaven. Not because they're better than me, or holier than me. But because in Ephesians 5, Christ calls men to lay down their lives for the women they love, which speaks of the love story between Christ and His bride, the Church. Do you know what that love story involved? Dying. Stretched out on a wooden beam, heaving for breath, forgiving those who were torturing him, agony and pain. Out of love for Her. And out of respect for the amazing plan that God had for Her in the story of the salvation of His people.
Perhaps it is not the chivalry is dead...perhaps it is that we've started settling for a lot less. A quick look onto the Billboard Top 40 Hits right now is a testimony to the deep ache felt by the general population for something more. Something deeper. Something meaningful.
Selena Gomez is sick of that same old, her body has had enough. Alessia Cara would rather be home all by herself not in this room with people who don't even care about her well being. Cam has been sleepwalking, wandering all night, trying to take what's lost and broke and make it right. And Justin Bieber just wants to know what his lover means when she nods her head yes but she wants to say no. This culture is looking for a sweeter song - something satisfying. Yet, ironically, it simultaneously rejects everything that resembles respect for one another as human beings made in the image and likeness of our Heavenly Father {especially in a romantic relationship, which often sink into utilitarianism} because it's old fashioned and the future has to have something better in store...right?

Chivalry is so much more than just opening the car door or walking on the outside side of the sidewalk. It isn't just giving a girl your jacket or helping her carry things. It would be a great disservice to the men who practice chivalry to reduce that virtue down simply to the fruits of the actions performed. Chivalry is a state of mind. Chivalry is valuing a woman's heart not for what she can do for you, but for who she is integrally. Chivalry inspires those around it to be more, do more and act with integrity.
God assigns to every man the dignity of every woman. (JPII)Not just the woman you love romantically. Not just your mother, or your sisters, or your dear friends. No, every woman is deserving of respect...especially when she herself has forgotten that she is worthy of a passionate and self-giving love.
Gentleman. In the amazing and continuously applicable words of Saint Pope John Paul II - Be Not Afraid. I know, I know, I say that phrase so much, but it is so beautifully encompassing of the point I'm trying to articulate. There are women who won't appreciate the gift that you're trying to give them through respecting them. Give it anyway. There are people who will call you old fashioned and tell you to get with the times when you take the time to go the extra mile in any relationship. Ignore them. You're tapping into the greater call of manhood when you respect a woman. Every woman, regardless of her recognition of the fact, deserves men in her life who respect her as a child of God. And every man deserves to be appreciated for his effort. So, for those who don't recognize your acts of chivalry, thank you. Thank you for putting our good ahead of yours in a very tangible way. Please, I beg you, continue to stand against the current of the modern culture and show women the love that they so deeply deserve.
Ladies. If the men in your life are showing you that you are worthy of respect...value them for it. If the man in front of you at the convenience store or the classroom holds the door - thank them. It's not because you are weak. I know you can get that door for yourself. But your brother is stopping and consciously reflecting the love that God has for you as His daughter. We can't let that pass us by because we are too proud to say thank you. The radical feminist movement has ruined a lot for women, but one of the greatest injustices that it perpetrated was the emasculation of the men in our lives. In their own way, they are sacrificing for you. Don't let the vicious cycle of use continue in our world.
On Sunday at Church, the priest who said Mass talked about the inherent intertwining that happens with masculine and feminine spirituality.
The strength of every man lies in the heart of the woman he loves.
The interaction between the two sexes while here on this earth is meant to reflect the love that the Heavenly Father has shown and continues to show us. Don't miss out on partaking in that exchange because of pride...on either end of the equation.